
Modular Wireless Mouse with Swappable Side Plates

$199.98 $149.99

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25% faster than any other wireless technology available, you won’t even realize that you’re gaming with a wireless mouse due to its high-speed transmission, lowest click latency, and seamless frequency switching in the noisiest, data-saturated environments.

Every button on the mouse and its side plates is ergonomically positioned, so you can access them easily and quickly, with each click providing audible, tactile feedback that feels satisfying and responsive.Our new, improved sensor has an industry-leading 20,000 DPI with 99.6% resolution accuracy, ensuring that even the finest movement from this modular wireless gaming mouse is tracked with consistency. Equipped with intelligent functions, the sensor becomes even more accurate, allowing for an acute level of precision for game-winning headshots.

Utilizing an infrared light beam to register every click, the switches in this wireless mouse actuate with an industry-leading response time of 0.2 milliseconds. Because it no longer requires traditional physical contact, this form of actuation removes the need for debounce delay and never triggers unintended clicks, giving you closer control and flawless execution.




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Modular Wireless Mouse with Swappable Side Plates
$199.98 $149.99