
Premium Toilet Stool

$92.00 $69.00

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Product Detail and Feature:

Kick up your feet and let the TUSHY Ottoman position you to deliver the most elegant dump you??ve ever had. No more straining, pushing or constipation. Poop with ease with the TUSHY Ottoman.

  • Sleek high-end design toilet stool that elevates the look and feel of your bathroom.
  • Fits discreetly in front of your toilet and seamlessly blends with your toilet?? unlike those other stools.
  • Carefully crafted curvature to keep your feet comfy during your equally comfy sh*t.
  • Original: 9?? H x 16.5?? W x 9?? L
    Relaxed: 7.5?? H x 16.5?? W x 9?? L

Why Our Product?

Imagine having a very full, smelly trash can but only emptying it 70%, leaving the oldest garbage to rot. That??s what happens when you sit and sh*t. Poop at 100% with the? toilet stool.

The Sit vs. Squat

Using a toilet stool lets you achieve a squatting position, which is the most natural position to poop in. Sitting while sh*tting does not allow your bowels to empty completely due to a kink in your stink ?? and trust us, it’s not the fun kind of kink.

The Science of The Art

IT isn??t just a beautiful work of art. Its design can help improve your bowel health and relieve constipation. The TUSHY Ottoman increases the rectal canal angle, from 100 degrees to 120 degrees. When we increase the angle, the rectum opens up allowing for an optimal and efficient poop.

The Art of The Science

Show off your new furniture when friends come to visit. It??s so sleek and abstract, it??s like pooping in the Guggenheim.



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Premium Toilet Stool
$92.00 $69.00